I said,”I don’t know but they sound good to me!”
Who knew a name would be such a big deal.
The family all pitched in making these and Colt looked at me like I was crazy when I explained what we were doing..
The kids all had a brownie, and then left for a few days to Colt’s sister house..
The following is our tail of events..
We sat, while Colt sat and I laid on the couch, started watching Mad Men, and eating Peanut Butter Cup Crunch Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream.. Over the next 3 nights while the kids were gone.
These are dangerously good.
Chicken Noodle Soup with Tofu
How to clean stove burners with dishwasher tablets
Hush, this is my little secret for keeping my man smiling—he can’t get enough
Graduation: A Celebration for All
My tenant left this for me. What’s the best way to get rid of lime and rust in a sink?
Slow Cooker Taco Soup