5th Step
After the loaf pan has been prepped, pour the batter into it and level the top. Bake for about 60–65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake emerges clean.
6th Step
After allowing the Hawaiian Banana Bread to cool for ten minutes in the pan, remove it and place it on a wire rack so that it may cool fully.
This is Jethro Bodine from “The Beverly Hillbillies,” Max Baer Jr.
The cleaning lady reveals the secrets of a sparkling bathroom
His ranch became the perfect escape for him. Doing grunt work, clearing bushes, and planting about a thousand trees lets Tom Selleck stay fit better than any gym.
This recipe was everything! Everyone ate 3 of these rolls!
They Are Only Known by Baby Boomers. Are You Aware?