5. Insert the Bottle into the Bag:
Turn the bottle and seedling upside down, making sure that the seedling extends through the hole you made in the bottom of the bag. Carefully push the bottle through the hole until it is securely in place inside the bag.
6. Fertilize with Banana Peels:
Add a few banana peels into the bottle planter. Bananas are rich in potassium, a vital nutrient for pepper growth. These peels will decompose over time, gradually releasing nutrients into the soil.
7. Fertilize with Fish and Phosphate Fertilizer:
Supply your pepper plants with a balanced fish emulsion or fish remains as a source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients. Additionally, introduce a phosphate fertilizer to support root development and flowering, which is pivotal for pepper production.
8. Water Your Upside-Down Peppers:
Ensure your chili pepper plants are adequately watered, maintaining soil moisture without causing waterlogging. Excess water will drain from the bottom of the bag.
As your peppers flourish, keep a watchful eye on their growth. Prune them as necessary to promote bushier growth and enhance fruit production. Continue to water and fertilize them regularly throughout the growing season.
9. Harvest Your Peppers:
As your peppers mature, they will change color, indicating their readiness for harvest. Gently pick the peppers to prevent harm to the plant.
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