It is recommended to wait at least two hours for this. In this way, the heat and humidity that has accumulated in the bed during the night is dissipated and we avoid creating a dark, humid and warm paradise inside the bed, ideal for the growth of mites, fungi and others.
Another important practice to ensure the hygiene of your mattress is to open the windows before making the bed for at least 30 minutes, although it ideal would be about an hour and shake sheets and pillows when making the bed.
You should also change your sheets every 1 to 2 weeks.
Remove blood stains from the mattress.
Of the different formulas that can be used to clean blood stains from a mattress, the best is to use hydrogen peroxide, as it breaks it down.
To do this you only need a cloth or cotton soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
Then rub the stain for a few minutes , leave it until the mattress dries (no need to rinse).
Why you should put 2 bay leaves under your pillow before going to bed
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