The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has revoked an award intended for renowned actor Robert De Niro. The decision comes in the wake of De Niro’s impassioned speech at a Biden campaign event held outside the courthouse where former President Trump was undergoing trial for hush money dealings. Apparently, De Niro’s fervent remarks proved too contentious for the broadcasters’ group, leading to the withdrawal of his honor. Originally slated to receive the NAB Leadership Foundation’s Service to America Award in Washington, D.C. next Tuesday, De Niro now finds himself excluded from the accolade due to his controversial comments.
During the Tuesday event, De Niro struggled to maintain control of an anti-Trump press conference outside the Manhattan courtroom, as the cacophony of urban activity drowned out his speech. The 80-year-old actor’s visible frustration stemmed from his dismay over the possibility of Trump being acquitted by a New York jury.
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