The following day, June 3, a family friend, Mindy Sue Clark, confirmed on Facebook that Levi had died.“I cannot even begin to explain how hard the last two weeks have been. From the moment my phone rang the night of his accident, to last night receiving the message that he had to go. I don’t want to focus on the bad or sad, even though it feels like someone ripped my heart out and squeezed it right in front of me. I want to focus on the many miracles we all got to bear witness to in those 12 days.”The most perfect three year old there ever was. So perfect we didn’t get to keep him. This baby boy moved mountains the last 12 days. He brought so many people together. In a world so dark, we got to see light at the hands of a child. He’s everything his mom and dad could’ve wanted him to be.”Our prayers are with the Wright fa
Creamy coconut pie
This is a favorite for weeknight meals with my husband and a crowd-pleaser at our parties
Cabbage Roll Casserole
Enjoy the Spicy Cheesy Bliss: Cheesy Jalapeño Shortbread Recipe
Orchid will grow in just a few weeks : The Secret Mixture for Rapid Orchid Growth
Heavenly Chicken
Dear Silent 🤫 memers of our group say anything to stay active.
Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib – Story of the Day