When she clocked 12, two years after she hit puberty, Emily discovered boys. That led to her paying a lot of attention to her hair and appearance because she wanted to look good for her school crush. Ben was prepared to beat back boys with a stick if need be, but what he was not ready for was caring for his daughter’s looks. Emily had to do that herself, but she was terrible at it with no role model to learn from. Ben often just cut her hair short as a child because he knew nothing about hair care, but he had to respect her wishes to keep her hair longer as she grew older. There was little he would not do for his child, so to help her, he started brushing her hair when it was long enough. He was a big man, and even though he tried to be gentle, he occasionally pulled it out.
Decided to cook this for dinner, and guess what? My hubby and I couldn’t resist, and he ate more than half of it.
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Tonight will be my 3rd time making this recipe. It’s so good, and the sauce is to die for
Strawberry Roll Cream Cake
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