While many in Hollywood remain tight-lipped about these rumors, others, like rapper 50 Cent, have been more vocal. 50 Cent famously posted a collage of Diddy and Rick Ross appearing quite close on stage, insinuating something more than friendship. He even recounted an odd encounter where Diddy allegedly offered to take him shopping—a gesture 50 Cent found uncomfortable. Diddy, on the other hand, has dismissed such accusations, claiming it was simply a friendly offer. However, this explanation has done little to quiet the rumors.
Jamie Foxx, another prominent name in the entertainment industry, has also added fuel to the fire by revealing that he witnessed Diddy’s notorious parties. Usher, who was exposed to this lifestyle at a young age, recounted attending these wild events when he was only 13 years old. His story is yet another piece of evidence suggesting that Diddy may have engaged in inappropriate behavior with minors.
Then there’s Diddy’s former bodyguard, Gene Deal, who claimed he personally saw Diddy involved with another man. Deal’s account is particularly damning, as he insists he witnessed the event with his own eyes, rather than hearing it from others.
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