The 74-year-old model, mother of billionaire Elon Musk, Maye Musk, shared that more than 35 years ago, when her son was only 14 years old. Elon Musk recommended that she invest $1,000 in stocks and buy shares of a company he “really believes in,” despite the stockbroker saying the investment was a “bad idea.” .👇
Dad Notices Daughter Stays in School Bus Longer than Others Kids and Gets Suspicious — Story of the Day
Rustic Peach Galette (Free-Form Peach Pie)
I promise that using this method will get rid of all the pests, flies, and mosquitoes as the days become warmer.
Here’s how to preserve lemons for a whole year: even fresher and more delicious
What a tragedy! The whole country is mourning the passing.
My 18th Birthday Surprise for My Stepmom Turned Her World Upside Down