There are also many variations of Nanaimo bars that use different flavorings for the middle layer – such as mint, cappuccino, or even cherry
Nanaimo bars are very simple to make. However – because of the 3 layers there are quite a few steps.
The base is chewy, somewhat crunchy, and filled with chocolate.
First, we melt together the butter, sugar, and cocoa powder in a double boiler.
Once melted – whisk in 1 egg until the mixture thickens and looks smooth and glossy. There shouldn’t be lumps in it.
It is EXTREMELY important to whisk constantly when you add in the egg so that it doesn’t scramble. The heat will cook the egg so it’s safe to eat. It also ensures that the base will hold together.
Then we stir in graham crumbs, coconut and finely chopped walnuts. The mixture is pressed into the bottom of the pan and then goes in the freezer to harden.
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