Key ingredients:
1 package (3.4 oz) of vanilla instant pudding
One 20-ounce container of uncooked, pulverized bananas
1 stick (8 oz) of whipped topping (like Cool Whip), defrosted
1 including more miniature than expected guinea fowl
2 glasses of freshly squeezed lemon juice
half a container of sugar-destroyed coco nuts (facultatif)
Maraschino cherries for decoration (facultatif)
New York Times recipes
New York Times Strawberry Fluff Recipes
What to do:
In a large mixing bowl, combine the pouding mix with the vanilla extract and the powdered pineapple.
(with juice). Mash everything together until it’s well-mashed.
Shrimp Avocado Salad
I brought these to the party, and they were gone before I could grab one myself
Shaq Kicks George Clooney Out Of His Restaurant And Bans Him For Life, “Leave Your Progressivism Outside”
Carne Guisada with floor tortillas
Young girl sang an 80-year-old song – The audience went crazy
Crockpot Coke Ribs