The show, tentatively titled America Uncanceled, was supposed to be the next big thing for ABC. Tapping into the simmering resentment of the cultural and political elite, Allen and Barr envisioned a sitcom that tackled controversial topics like cancel culture, the erosion of free speech, and the supposed tyranny of vegan-friendly food options. It was to be a comedic safe space for those who felt stifled by political correctness, where jokes about snowflakes and virtue-signaling could flow freely without fear of online mobs demanding apologies.
And it wasn’t just the subject matter that had people talking. The casting alone was a conservative fever dream—Tim Allen, who has never been shy about his political views, and Roseanne Barr, the queen of controversy herself, fresh from her own comeback attempts post-scandal. Together, they were ready to take on the “woke agenda,” armed with punchlines about participation trophies and triggered liberals.
But that dream died faster than ABC’s ratings during the Trump-Harris debate.
ABC’s now-infamous hosting of the Trump-Harris debate was supposed to be a ratings bonanza, but what it turned into was a political lightning rod. With moderators fact-checking Trump in real-time and seemingly giving Harris a free pass, half of America was up in arms. While some praised the network for “standing up for the truth,” others saw it as a blatant attack on free speech—especially Trump’s.
Tim Allen, never one to mince words when it comes to his disdain for “media bias,” was reportedly watching the debate unfold from his man cave, a custom-built shrine to tools, muscle cars, and outdated gender roles. As the moderators corrected Trump’s claims about “Democrats executing babies after birth” and “immigrants eating Ohio pets,” Allen’s frustration grew.
Ingredient Blueberry Cheesecake Rolls Recipe
We love these bites! Served them at Sunday football, and there were 0 leftovers
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Light and Fluffy Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream
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