But Musk’s vision for ABC doesn’t stop there. According to insiders, he’s also toying with the idea of integrating SpaceX and Tesla content into the network’s programming, giving viewers behind-the-scenes access to rocket launches, electric vehicle innovations, and perhaps even live updates on Musk’s latest plans to colonize Mars.
“I want to bring news into the future,” Musk said. “Imagine tuning in to watch the news and getting updates from space at the same time. That’s where we’re headed.”
At the center of Musk’s media ambitions, of course, is the firing of David Muir, a fixture of ABC News for years. For many viewers, Muir is synonymous with credibility and professionalism, but for Musk, he represents everything that’s wrong with the mainstream media.
“Muir’s a dinosaur,” Musk reportedly said in a private meeting. “He’s been doing the same thing for years, and people are bored of it. The future of news isn’t some guy in a suit reading off a teleprompter. It’s dynamic, interactive, and, most importantly, fair.”
Classic Pot Roast
Slow cooker Garlic Chicken & Chorizo pasta
Love making a huge batch of this and freezing for later! Quick and easy meal!
Dolly Parton will sadly stop touring
A 32-year-old woman was attacked by a polar bear after she jumped into their enclosure at the Berlin Zoo.
7 Effortless Tips for a Clean and Healthy Microwave!
Baked zucchini chips
My mom loved this dessert so much, I had to hide the pan from her to keep her from having a third slice!