The 74-year-old model, mother of billionaire Elon Musk, Maye Musk, shared that more than 35 years ago, when her son was only 14 years old. Elon Musk recommended that she invest $1,000 in stocks and buy shares of a company he “really believes in,” despite the stockbroker saying the investment was a “bad idea.” .👇 (Page 1 ) | November 14, 2024
The 74-year-old model, mother of billionaire Elon Musk, Maye Musk, shared that more than 35 years ago, when her son was only 14 years old. Elon Musk recommended that she invest $1,000 in stocks and buy shares of a company he “really believes in,” despite the stockbroker saying the investment was a “bad idea.” .👇
If you were raised in the South, you likely had these potatoes a few times a month. It’s still a dish I crave today!
The Toothpaste Trick to Eliminate Cockroaches and Roaches Forever
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Classic Peanut Butter Cookies
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