It is important that the mixture, once put on the heat, does not exceed a temperature of 85°C: for this reason it is preferable to have a kitchen thermometer.
Equip yourself with a plum cake mold about 30 cm long and then line it with a sheet of transparent film: this way the cake will come out easily (you can also use a silicone mold); alternatively, to make this operation easier, simply dip the mold in a basin of boiling water for a few moments. Be careful not to extend the soaking time any longer, otherwise the heat will melt it.
If you have unpeeled almonds, to remove the skin, simply blanch them for a few minutes in boiling water, then drain them and rub them with a clean cloth: they will come off very easily.
If you like, you can garnish the surface of your parfait with caramelized almonds or a chocolate topping. You can also quickly cook fresh blueberries in a saucepan with a little sugar, let them cool and then pour the resulting compote over the dessert.
The almond parfait can be stored in the refrigerator, covered on the surface with a sheet of cling film, for around 3-4 days.
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Strawberry Crunch Pound Cake
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